Interview with ACRL37

This interview is with writer of stories such as All I’ve Never Wanted, ACRL37


1. Why did you start posting your works on Wattpad? And, how did you discover Wattpad?

I’ve always loved writing but I’ve never shared my stories with anyone else before Wattpad, which I found through good ol’ Google =) Initially, my major reason for posting it here was for greater motivation in finishing my books, but I also put them up online hoping others have as much reading them as I do writing them.

2. How did you get popular on Wattpad?

I’m popular? =O Lol. Honestly I’m not sure, although I owe all my success so far to my absolutely amazing fans and readers! They’re seriously incredible, and I guess a little bit of luck doesn’t hurt either haha.

3. How do you get the ideas for your stories? (are you influenced by anything or anyone)

Most of the ideas for my stories come from personal experiences (such as If We Ever Meet Again) or through my interpretation of other books, movies, and TV shows (like All I’ve Never Wanted). As for the characters, a lot of them are based on my friends! I have to thank them for giving me some of the more interesting lines in my stories lol.

4. What is your favourite part about writing? And what is your least favourite?

Hmm…my favorite part would have to be receiving feedback from readers, whether positive or negative. My least favorite is writer’s block–oh, how I despise thee.

5. What is your favourite story that you have written and why?

This is a hard question to answer..I love both the stories I have up so far, but I would have to say I enjoy If We Ever Meet Again a smidgen more. That one revolves a lot around my own experiences and so it’s a bit closer to my heart.

6. Do any other authors influence your work/inspire you? If so, how do they inspire you?

I get inspired by all the books I read, honestly, but if I had to choose one I would have to say…Nicholas Sparks. I am a huge sucker for romance and I love how he can portray emotions and relationships so well. I can feel everything the characters are feeling, and he inspires me to try and wave that same kind of emotion into my own story.

7. What is your favourite genre to write and why?

Romance! I love reading romance, and I find most stories boring if they don’t have at least a dash of it in there somewhere. I also like writing it though, because I can relate to it more than other genres.

8. Is anything in your stories based on real life? (characters/plot/setting etc)

Over half of If We Ever Meet Again is based on real life–the characters and setting definitely are, and the plot is too, to an extent.

9. Does any music inspire you and what is it? Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what music?

Definitely. Music is a huge, huge part of my writing. In fact, at the start of every chapter for both my stories, I put in lyrics relevant to that particular section. The title for If We Ever Meet Again is actually named after the Katy Perry & Timbaland song, which I think has the same nostalgic feel I want the book to have. The music I listen to depends on the mood of the part I’m working on though. I listen to slow songs for sad parts, club songs for party scenes, etc.

10. Do you have any advice for new writers?

I would just encourage new writers to write about what they want to write about. Original, cliche, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re doing it for yourself and not popularity or because other people tell you to. Also, take constructive criticism but stay true to your own vision for your story.

11. Which of your characters is your favourite and why? Which is your least favourite and why?

Hmm..for favorite, it’s a tie between Farrah from If We Ever Meet Again, who is strong but not unrealistically so but who also has her flaws, and the grandma from All I’ve Never Wanted. She’s not a major character but she is so funny and easy to write haha. My least favorite? Erm..Maya’s dad from All I’ve Never Wanted. He is a bit of a douche, for reasons I shall not reveal here in case people haven’t read up to that part.

12. If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?

I’m probably going to get a lot of flack from Twilight fans for this, but Bella Swan so I can give that girl a good knock in the head and scream at her for making me so bad. I like the books but she is seriously annoying.

13. If you could meet any person, dead or alive, who would it be?

Cleopatra! My favorite historical figure ever. Not only is she a legend, but she was absolutely brilliant and able to survive against all odds (until the end, anyway). I think she would be one of the most interesting dinner companions ever.

14. If you could be an animal for the day, what would you be, and why?

A lion. It’s my favorite animal, they’re feared by almost all other animals, and I wouldn’t mind being king (or rather, queen) of the jungle for a day =p

15. Do you have any up-and-coming novels that you are planning?

Oh god yes, I have so many ideas floating through my head I don’t know what to start first. However, I’m not going to post anything new until I finish the two stories I’m working on now.

16. If you could go anywhere with any of your characters, where would you go and why?

Umm…I would probably go to Italy. Mainly because I’ve always loved Italy, but also because I am in love with a few of my male characters so I’m hoping those romantic Italian cities will work their magic lol.

17. If you could do any three things, with no consequences, what would you do?

Grab everything I want from stores without paying (although I would feel bad), pig out on all my favorite foods no matter how fattening they are, and go skydiving, which I would never actually do because I am deathly afraid of heights and the painful death that will follow should the whole jumping-out-of-an-airplane scenario goes wrong.

18. If you could have a superpower for the day what would it be and why?

Teleportation, so I can go anywhere in the world without jet lag, airplane food, or having to pay for a ticket. Also, if I get in trouble for whatever reason, I bet they can’t catch me =p

19. Can you tell us some fun facts about you?

Fun facts..hmm. Well, my favorite time to eat ice cream is when it’s freezing cold outside, I think cats are really cute even though some of them are pure evil, I can never be an astronaut because I am terrified of outer space, and for some reason I can list all 50 states in the US in alphabetical order off the top of my head. I don’t know how, but I can.

About xsmileforthecamera

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Posted on July 24, 2011, in Interviews. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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