
Jerkosity symptoms: cheating, bluntness, lying, deceit, rudeness, tardiness and being a class A jerk.

Commonly found in: Males of an age 11- 21

Cure: N/A

Brogan Mills is excited to go on holiday on her own with her best-friend Justine. But she has problems bigger than everyone in California thinking her name is an insult, not a name. For one—Longside Resort has a disease, and it’s even worse than The Black Plague. Every boy there seems to have a serious case of Jerkosity, even the girls. And plus, she seems to be catching it. Even Justine seems to be catching it and she’s been against it since, well, it was found. Can anyone escape the growing disease or is lovekind doomed?










In case you haven’t guessed– this is my new story. The description sucks, sorry. I’m really bad at those, even when I’m finished with a story. But if you want to check it out, here’s the link:


Thanks 🙂

Interview with Explode

1.            When did you decide that you wanted to start writing?

                After reading so many wonderful stories on Wattpad. I was a silent reader for years but then one day I was like, I want to give it a spin and so I did.

2.            What is your writing process?

I don’t really have one. I just open up my laptop and then my iTunes, followed by word and yeah go from there. A lot my chapters are usually influenced by the music I am listening too at the time.

3.            Do you plan out your books, or just go with the flow?

All with the flow. I have a rough idea where I want my story to end up and all the big scenes and twists I do have planned, but when it comes writing the in-between bits and the parts that lead up to it, I go with the flow. A lot of my scenes and chapters just flow out when I am writing. For example in my story Royal Blood & One Commitment, I never had planned Isabella’s trip to her sisters, that just happened. I also never planned for Isabella to be hurt by a freedom fighter that too just happened.

4.            Do you have a specific writing style?

My writing style is raw and rough, no other way to put it. I have a lot of work to do on it and compared to a lot of other writers on wattpad my style is really bad.

5.            Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

No, I don’t have any experiences that I base my writing on. I wish though!

6.            Do you see writing as a career?

I would love for writing to be a career but I do not think I am good enough to be one. But I think it would be amazing to be one! I am jealous of those who are.

7.            Which of your characters is your favourite?

Connor from Royal Blood and One Commitment, Cameron from St Slay and Cole from Tattooed love. Those boys are my top three!

8.            What was the hardest part to write in your novels?

Kissing scenes are the hardest, I find it very hard to describe a kiss, so I end up describing the feeling you get form a kiss. It’s funny I am twenty years old and I cannot write a kiss right.

9.            Have you got any up-and-coming novels that you are planning?

I have two, which I will most likely not post up for a while. Because I have so many already up and I don’t want to over pressure my fans to read them. So both are like a secret project I love to work on. I write on both here and there when I get writers block on a story.

10.          How personal is your writing?

Every story is like a piece of my imagination, so my writing is very personally. The contents is pure fiction but still my stories are like a piece of my mind and I love sharing them. I don’t have any personally aspects which reflect in my stories, apart from Tattooed Love. The main character (Jax) his tattoos are based around my boyfriends.

11.          If you could work with any author who would it be?

I don’t know. I don’t really have any famous published authors I would want to work with. But I love Lilly Rain so I would choose her.

12.          How did you come up with the titles?

All just on the spot, I didn’t really put much thought into them and were inspired by anything really.

13.          Do you have any advice for other writers?

Just write because you want to! Don’t write to get popular and don’t write for votes. Because if you are doing that you are missing the point of writing and I think you will lose interest in it. A lot of writers on wattpad only write for notice and when they don’t receive it they give up.

14.          If you could have a meal with any of your characters, where would you take them and who would you take?

Connor and it would be the beach, so he has to have his shirt off. 😉

15.          What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced?

I can’t really think of one. Sorry!

16.          If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

James Hetfield, lead singer of Metallica. I would die to meet him!

17.          What are 3 things that you would like to do before you die?

1. Travel Australia.

2. Ride a Horse

3. Own a pair of Jimmy Choo (real ones) =)


18.          What’s the most embarrassing thing that you’ve ever experienced?

The other weekend I went out to the clubs with my friends. Everything was awesome, until I spotted a familiar head in the crowd, so I went up to him and I was talking to him like normal. Then he disappeared and I kept dancing with my friends. Anyway like an hour or so later, one of my mates come up to me and said there was a guy waiting in the smokers room for me, and she had put in a ‘good’ word for me. I was like ok, strange but I went with it. Anyway I went out there and the guy I was talking to earlier was standing there with a complete terrified look on his face. I was like what’s wrong.  And then he said my mate had gone up to him and told him I thought he was so hot and I wanted to get ‘lucky’ with him later.  That guy just happened to be my younger brother. Needless to say, we were both scared for the rest of the night.


19.          Can you tell us some fun facts about you?

Sure I can give you ten!


1. I love McLeods Daughters.

2. I have an addiction to skittles.

3. I am an Essendon supporter.

4. I drive a commodore, VX.

5. I live between two houses.

6. I have two brothers and one sister. My sister is ten years older than me, my older brother is 8 years old and my other brother is two years younger.

7. I always have late fees at blockbuster, my fees got so bad my boyfriend cut my card up and I was black listed at the store! It wasn’t my fault I just forgot to take it back! He brought me an apple box so now I never have to worry about late fees again.

8. I get so excited over comments! That it is most likely unhealthy.

9. I have two dermals and one got ripped out the other day. I was so upset and it wasn’t the pain factor it was the fact I have to wait for it to heal over before I can get it reinserted, which will be like 3 months.

10.  I have a habit of losing things, like tv remotes (especially the backs), my phone, anything of any importance’s and oh DVDS! I always lose the dvd and only have the cover. 


Interview with GiggleandHoot

1.            When did you decide that you wanted to start writing?

 I guess I decided when my English teacher gave me full marks on an narrative and suggested I took up writing in my spare time.

2.            What is your writing process?

 I don’t really have a writing process, I just sit in my room and type whatever comes to mind and see if it flows.

3.            Do you plan out your books, or just go with the flow?

 I don’t really plan it out, but I do know how I want it to end.

4.            Do you have a specific writing style?

 Urm I don’t really know, I just write whatever comes to mind.

5.            Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

 No the experiences aren’t based on events of my life or friends.

6.            Do you see writing as a career?

 I would love to see writing in my future.

7              What was the hardest part to write in your novels?

 The hardest part is writing a book online with people reading from all around the world and the things I know conflict others in their culture.

8.            Have you got any up-and-coming novels that you are planning?

 I have a little werewolf romance in my head that I would love to write on this site.

9.            How personal is your writing?

 My writing at times can be a little personal but most of the time I am writing things without any attachment

10.          If you could work with any author who would it be?

 An author on this site would be believe96 and to work with an author in the world would be Becca Fitzpatrick

11.          How did you come up with the titles?

 I came up with the title because it was a line I wanted to use in the last few chapters.

12.          Do you have any advice for other writers?

 My advice would be to continue to believe in yourself, and know that it doesn’t matter how many reads your story it has. It’s about having faith in yourself to succeed and bring others to read your work.

13.          If you could have a meal with any of your characters, where would you take them and who would you take?

 I would take Lia out to town for a meal at the pub and then party with her.

14.          What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced?

 Trying on expensive dresses with my best friend and then my bestie ripping the dress while trying to un-zip it.

15.          If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

 Lady gaga because I love her, Lady gaga is an inspiration to us all. And I would give anything to see her let alone meet her!

16.          What are 3 things that you would like to do before you die?

 I want to go to Italy, jump out of a plane and ride in a hot air balloon with my boyfriend.

17.          If you could slap one book character, who would it be?

 A book character from my book would be Gabriel, but really I want to slap every single main girl character because they don’t see how much the main guy loves them!

19.          What’s the most embarrassing thing that you’ve ever experienced?

 Getting my period for the first time at my dad’s house without my mom and crying…. It was awkward to say the least.

20.          Can you tell us some fun facts about you?

 fun facts: I hate spiders, I never stop laughing, scared of birds,  I have a weird obsession with main guy characters from books, cannot live without my phone, favourite colour is purple and I love kid shows!


Interview with peanutty11

1.            When did you decide that you wanted to start writing?

 This one time at band… I’ve written poetry since 6th grade when paper was the only way i could express my pain. Story wise last year when I had this wicked idea about a kick @$$ girl.

2.            What is your writing process?

 I don’t really have writing process.I just write *shrug*

3.            Do you plan out your books, or just go with the flow?

 A little of both, the plot, beginning, ending, and climax are planned but I go with the flow as my characters get to those certain points.

4.            Do you have a specific writing style?

Does third person count as a style? People say they like my style but since I’m a new writer I have no idea what style that is. Could my style be borderline mature? Something I hope people of all ages can enjoy? lol

5.            Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

 Yes to Summer Love but the only thing I can relate to with the Heir is heartbreak 😦 lol

6.            Do you see writing as a career?

 Nah writing isn’t for me.

7.            Which of your characters is your favourite?

 All characters are my favourites because they all have a piece of me…

8.            What was the hardest part to write in your novels?

 The beginning because I try hard to write a unique first chap that pulls the reader in and its a nail biter wondering if people will like it enough to keep going.

9.            Have you got any up-and-coming novels that you are planning?

 Yes 🙂 The follow ups to the Heir. They will be named “The scorned mate”-Matt and Sarahs’ story. Then there’s Dani and Christians “The unwanted Mate” and Axel’s Story “The cursed Mate”

10.          How personal is your writing?

 Depends on what personal we are talking about. But, yeah, I guess you could say yes its very personal.

11.          If you could work with any author who would it be?

 Oh man, I can’t pick one author can I pick a publishing house? lol oh man I can’t pick one publishing house! I guess I’ll say Nora Roberts since it was one of her stories that got me into romance publishing house wise..Harlequin..romance central! *sigh*

12.          How did you come up with the titles?

 Thought about the plot and then summed it up in a couple of words.

13.          Do you have any advice for other writers?

 I’m not a pro so I’ll just say “just write from the heart. Write because you love to. Write a story because it won’t leave you alone. Don’t write to be popular around here and if you do start a story give it an ending so you’ll know what to strive for-less chance of quitting half way IMHO”

14.          If you could have a meal with any of your characters, where would you take them and who would you take?

 Dang it! I feel like a poacher taking out the guys cause they all have girls…LOL… I can’t believe I’m thinking about not dating my imaginary characters cause of their imaginary GFs..I hope my hubby never sees this…If not grounds for a divorce definitely grounds for a return trip to the loony bin!

15.          What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced?

 This one time..At band camp of course lol…My whole life is a circus but the most recent thing..I was chatting with my little sister…I practically raised her, don’t ask me cause I don’t know why but she is always flashing me …well we were video chatting and she just boom! flashed me…but she didn’t know that my hubby was out  of view watching…LMAO!!! When she hears “WTH?!” …LOL she was so red!! I think my lil sis learned her lesson…

16.          If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

 Tupac Shakur…he was a great poet in his own right.

17.          What are 3 things that you would like to do before you die?

 I’d like to visit Europe. Learn Portuguese and go to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

18.          If you could slap one book character, who would it be?

 Tossup between Bella or Jacob

19.          What’s the most embarrassing thing that you’ve ever experienced?

 I’m a goofball I’m always embarrassing myself so nothing has really been etched in my mind it’s all just another ordinary day in my ok how about the time at the pharmacy that while waiting in line my kid grabbed some female hygiene stuff and said “here are your diapers mom”…loud enough for everyone around to hear *blushing* I wanted to roast that Peanut! lol

20.          Can you tell us some fun facts about you?


 Fun facts? :/ I see dead people .. lol sorry can’t think of any.

Interview with Amyscence

1.            Why did you start posting your works on Wattpad? And, how did you discover Wattpad?

 I’ve always enjoyed writing, since I was very little. One of my friends had sent me a link to check out, it was a story on Wattpad and it was my first time reading an E-Book. I liked the book so I joined Wattpad! 😛


2.            How do you get the ideas for your stories? (are you influenced by anything or anyone)

 Life inspires me. Music inspires me. YOU inspire me.

3.            What is your favourite part about writing? And what is your least favourite?

 My favorite part is how you can escape the real world to go into your fantasy world, something you created and you are in control. It makes me feel better and it makes me feel happy. And the least I like about writing is “WRITERS BLOCK” Lol


4.            What is your favourite story that you have written and why?

 Hm, I’m actually not sure lol. I hate picking favorites :l I love them all equally.

5.            Do any other authors influence your work/inspire you? If so, how do they inspire you?

 I do not have any writer that inspires me. I look up to many though. I am my own inspiration.


6.            What is your favourite genre to write and why?

 Romance and Fantasy. Romance because it’s so cute to write it! Fantasy because I’m addicted to it. I wish I could leave this terrible planet and go to wonderland!

7.            Is anything in your stories based on real life? (characters/plot/setting etc)

 Kim is a real character, she’s my friend and she’s crazy like that too lol. All my stories are just part of my own fantasy world, characters are all part of me. Each of them represent something about me. The evil characters are my evil side, my romantic characters are part of my romantic side, ect…


8.            Does any music inspire you and what is it? Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what music?

 I do! I always listen to music while I write. If a chapter I’m writing is sad, I like to listen to sad music lol. But I usually just listen to pop music, I love the sound of the beats. It makes me feel alive and emotional.


9.            Do you have any advice for new writers?

 Don’t give up. That is the worst thing you could ever do. When I started wattpad, I started without any knowledge of writing. I wasn’t a good writer at all. I had so many mistakes but I didn’t give up just because I didn’t receive the recognition in the snap of a finger. I kept trying, I kept evolving, I grew and grew and eventually became a “good” writer. Now look where I am!


10.          Which of your characters is your favourite and why? Which is your least favourite and why?

 Kim is my favorite. She’s crazy and fun to write lol. I don’t have a least favorite character. I love them all.


11.          If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?

 Maximum from the Maximum Ride series. I would love for her to tell me her adventures and maybe go for a flight. (;


12.          If you could meet any person, dead or alive, who would it be?

 Lady Gaga, I’m a super little monster. *Paws up*


13.          If you could be an animal for the day, what would you be, and why?

 Cat! I wanna be a cat! D:< I wanna freaking stretch and act all cute. I want to fall off a building and land on my legs!


14.          Do you have any up-and-coming novels that you are planning?

 I’m working on my first straight romance story called “Metamorphosis” And it will be very epic. It won’t be “normal” as people would say. It’s definitely out of this world. Literally. I will also be planning more boyxboy stories as they end. 🙂 I will never stop!


15.          If you could go anywhere with any of your characters, where would you go and why?

 I’d love to take all my male characters into my bed (; LOL


16.          If you could do any three things, with no consequences, what would you do?

 Slap the hell out of my sister. Take over the world. Then destroy it. Lol


17.          If you could have a superpower for the day what would it be and why?

 The power of controlling weather. That is my favorite power of ALL! I love storm from X-MEN ❤ GAH I LOVE HER! 😀 I wish I really could have that power. It’s so freaking cool.

18.          Can you tell us some fun facts about you?

 I’m gay. I really. … really love men. Like…I love….men…

I like to swim and act like a mermaid when I’m in the water.

I’m a very passionate person when it comes to life and beautiful things.

I love music so much! I love pizza.

I like to sing even though I sound like a cat being dragged on a board full of razor blades.

I hate when people use labels on me, I have no label, I’m not emo dammit! Call me that and you will get smacked by me. I use dark fashion though. Just not emo. -.-

I like listening to music in other languages, I love trying to learn a song lol. I specially love the band Eisblume, who is a German band! 🙂 Beautiful sounds, it’s like the German Evanescence lol.

I want to become a director… I want to make movies! 😀 I want to bring my imagination to life. Maybe I will one day make one of my stories into a movie. 😛

I love the Shaytards, I wish they could adopt me. ;(

I’m turning 20 years old on December 1st…I’m old. But still sexy. ;D



19.          If you could make one wish, what would it be?


 To have more wishes.


I didn’t know what to name this so I just called it information, which isn’t very creative… but I couldn’t think of anything else. It’s not much information, actually just one bit.

I won’t take interview requests. The only time I will take them when it is not a request to interview you. For example ‘Hey, could you interview ThisIsJustAnExample the writer of ‘The Trees that Grow in Anna’s Garden but Look Like Bananas’. Thanks’

There are many wattpad stories that are dedicated to requested interviews. So I’m sure if you ask them, they’ll say yes.



Interview with tianajade

This interview is with writer of the popular story ‘The Black Rose Killer’, which has over 200,000 reads, tianajade

1.            When did you decide that you wanted to start writing?

At the end of December 2010.

2.            What is your writing process?

Usually when a story idea comes to mind, I write it down in my journal or my phone, and then when it’s time to begin writing the story, I form the story idea into a plot, then make up the characters and the step by step of what will be happening in the story. For me, story ideas usually form pretty easily.

3.            Do you plan out your books, or just go with the flow?

 I plan. For me, planning ahead is always best, otherwise I might miss things, or get carried away or forget something etc.

4.            Do you have a specific writing style?

 I personally don’t think so, but my readers may have different opinions. (:

5.         Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?  

 Nope. Everything in my story is fictional. Although sometimes I add a little of my personality into a character, but other than that all the events and such that take place in my story(s) are fictional.

6.         Do you see writing as a career?

            No, I don’t. Just a hobby.

7.         Which of your characters is your favourite?

            I like writing all my characters, but I think either Zoe (Keelea’s best friend) or Jace (Keelea’s love interest). They both have personalities that I love to write about! 🙂 One is bubbly and carefree and the other is cocky but also has a romantic side.

8.         What was the hardest part to write in your novels?

             Probably when my main character was kidnaped and tortured by the serial killer. I had to jump into my character more than usual and imagine myself in her position so that I could explain all the descriptions and emotions to the best of my ability. I remember deleting and restarting that chapter many times, until finally it was something that I was proud of!

9.         Have you got any up-and-coming novels that you are planning?

            Yes. I actually have many story ideas floating around in my head, written on my phone and in my journal, but I’m taking each story one step at a time. At the moment I am working on the sequel to ‘The Black Rose Killer’. If that story goes well, then I may begin writing one of my other story ideas (:

10.       How personal is your writing?

            At the moment, not so personal. I once wrote a story that was very personal, and it didn’t do such a good job at the time, so I deleted it. Now I try and stay away from my writing being too personal.

11.       If you could work with any author who would it be?

             Published authors? If so, then I would love to work with either Richelle Mead or Alexandra Adornetto.  I have many favourite authors, but these two are definitely some of the best!

12.       How did you come up with the titles?

             For ‘The Black Rose Killer’; it just came to me as I began planning my plot. Considering the storyline, the title was pretty obvious. For the sequel, at the moment the title is still being decided. But my fans and readers have been helping me a lot, so it would be all thanks to them if I decide to choose one of their suggested titles! :’)

13.       Do you have any advice for other writers?

             Just like I’ve stated a few times before, write for yourself, write how you want to write and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is helpful to receive constructive feedback, but you need to make sure that you stick to your own ideas and stick to the way you want to write, not the way someone else tells you to write. You are always going to get readers that will not agree or dislike something in your story – it happens. But you just need to keep in mind that it’s your story, you are the writer, and therefore no one else has a say in how your story goes. So stick to your guns and remember that you’re the one in charge of your story, no one else (:

14.       If you could have a meal with any of your characters, where would you take them and who would you take?

            I would choose Xavier, because he’s a romantic…and he shares his food XD I don’t really care about fancy places, so I’d probably just take him to a nice, local restaurant or even – if the sun is out and it’s a nice warm day – on a picnic by the river surrounded by green grass, the trees, the water and the fresh air.

I better stop there, or I’ll get carried away…

15.       What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced?

             Right this second off the top of my head I honestly can’t remember, but I know that just about every funny experience that took place in my life was with my cousin. Not one day went by that we didn’t laugh, do something funny or exciting. We were always making up games and generally having a blast with anything we could find! (:

16.       If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

            Hmm. No one at the moment I don’t think.

17.       What are 3 things that you would like to do before you die?

            A lot of the things I want to achieve/do before I die are personal, so I won’t state those. I’ll state three less personal, although they’re not at the top of my ‘to-do list’. 1: I would love to travel Australia and take photographs of this amazing country! 2: Bungee Jumping; I’ve always wanted to do that! And 3: Rescue as many endangered animals as possible.

18.       If you could slap one book character, who would it be?

             I’ve read so many books, and there are so many characters I’d love to slap. But just one would be…Ever from The Immortals series by Alyson Noel. I don’t like her character; she’s always making the wrong decisions and I can never feel her love for Damen. I would love to slap her silly and shake some sense into that character XD

19.       What’s the most embarrassing thing that you’ve ever experienced?   

            Believe it or not, I haven’t had many embarrassing moments happen to me. But one semi-embarrassing moment that I can think of would be the time when I was in class, and everyone was silent and listening to the teacher, or doing their work, and suddenly I fell off my chair – because I was leaning on it – and the whole close erupted in fits of laughter. It was the talk of the school for weeks. -.-

20.       Can you tell us some fun facts about you?

            I really don’t like talking about myself much XD
I don’t think I have any fun facts about me. Some just general facts would be:

1: I love to clean.

2: I love to listen to music from the 50’s to the 80’s.

3: I love animals, and I will fall in love with every one that I come across.

4: I’m currently in love with Peach Iced-Tea.

5: I’m obsessed with Sims.

6: I get too attached to characters in my favourite stories.

7: I’ve been home-schooled for three years.

8: I’m probably the shyest person ever. But once people get to know me, and I come out of my shell, I never shut-up and I’m a bit of a handful 😉

I’m not very interesting, I know. xD

Book of the Week

Bonds: Through the reality- MadiWhit


Andrea is thrust into a reality completely different to everything she knows after receiving a warning from a man in the woods telling her that people are after her. Follow her in this tale of fantasy, mystery, and passion.

Book of the Week

She Left Her Bra In Your Car- ihatecheese

Looking for an awesome humor story? Don’t forget to support this story as it’s in the Watty Awards.

“The only thing bad about being the nerd in the school? Having a slut for a twin.” So maybe Remy Bennet’s tale of tragedy isn’t like most. And maybe her sister isn’t evil, but just easy. And maybe – because they look so much alike – it gets a little (okay, a lot) irritating that Remy is constantly confused for her sister, Nelly. Most of the time, Remy hates the spotlight she gets. But when she finally gets a taste of Nelly’s wild life so she can steal the guy she never knew she wanted, Nelly’s forced to take the place of Remy’s geeky throne. Both are in a race to become the girl Nelly once was, but both have no idea of the consequences they’ll face.

Book of the week

I haven’t done a book of the week in ages and I want to promote people! I have around two books in mind that I want to do. But, other than that, I need your help. I need your stories to read so I can promote you. Suggest them anywhere– in here or on wattpad, I don’t mind.

Thanks! 😀